Destiny is calling me

This Blog is a bet.

My best friend told me that I must blog or die.

She gave me a deadline of Sunday (last Sunday, but hey I missed that already) so here is my very first post:

I whinge and moan to my family, friends and anyone who will listen about changing my life to become a Writer/Bowen Therapist/Yoga Teacher/Ballroom Dance Specialist/Zumba Champion/Guitar Goddess/Adventurer/Solo Round the World Yachtswoman and allround dominatrix of my universe and destiny but in reality, I allow 'stuff' to get in the way.

I never really do anything about my dreams.  Probably because I have so many dreams to pursue and I am sadly lacking any form of serious ambition -  an old boss told me I was completely devoid of it,  I am also probably afraid, because it is safer not to chase my dream for fear of failure or criticism.

If I am brutally honest, it could also come down to the fact that I am fundamently prone to laziness and the effort required to pursue my dreams just seems too much.    

So, this blog is to prove to myself  and my bestie, that I can beat down procrastination, self sabotage and doubt to rule the virtual world.  Sure, maybe not the virtual world, or even the world  but at the very least my own blog.


  1. Congratulation Ya Ya !!!

    You have crossed the line & Put yourself out there for all to see. Believe me I know how scary that can be, but you will be rewarded dear friend. Most of all, sharing your thoughts with the world will give a great gift to others as expressing yourself taps in to inner truths & dreams that others hold too. Go for it girlfriend !!! (mabye now we can sip gin & read your old blogs when we're 90 !!!!)

  2. So proud of you my dear friend ... looking forward to your next blog .. luv you loads. I will definately be joining in sipping gin and reading these blogs when we are 90.

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